An object detector Python project is a computer vision application that is able to identify and locate objects within an image or video stream.
Techstack: Python, OpenCV, Numpy, GUI
The Sorting Visualizer is a basic web application that allows you to visualize the process of sorting on a set of randomly generated bars.
The added feature in the visualizer is the sound while visualizing.
Techstack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Prodo, your go-to student productivity app! Prodo is designed to help students stay organized, focused, and productive.
Techstack: JavaScript, Firebase, jQuery, Bootstrap
PolicyClarity is a free and user-friendly platform designed to help users understand complex policies by providing simple and clear summaries.
Techstack: Python's FastAPI, React, Tailwind CSS, Generative AI
CGPA 9.12/10
March-2024 to May-2024
Leveraged Puppeteer in Node.js for efficient web scraping
May-2023 to July-2023
Accomplished multiple open-source contributions across various projects, resulting in the successful merging of 10-12 PRs within just three months.